Outline Application: Research, Development & Analysis Fund

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We strongly recommend that you keep a Word document saved with your responses and copy and paste the answers into the form.

Our Research, Development and Analysis fund is for projects to inform the design and operation of social policy and practice across our three core domains of Education, Welfare and Justice.

Two applicants cannot work on the form at the same time. If necessary, you can share the
link and password with co-applicants, though we would not recommend this.

Use this application form to submit funding applications less than £750,000 to our Research, Development and Analysis fund.


Main focus of your project

Principal Investigator details
You can only nominate one Principal Investigator on this form. See section 3 of the Guide for Applicants for more details.

Please choose from a list of common titles. If your title is not listed, select 'other'.

Please type your title here.

Please enter the first name of the Principal Investigator here. Please do not use an initial.

Please enter the last name (surname) of the Principal Investigator here. Please do not use an initial.

Please enter the email address of the Principal Investigator here. This should be their current direct email address.

Please enter the job title of the Principal Investigator here. Please write out the title in full and avoid abbreviations. If the Principal Investigator holds multiple positions/job titles, please choose the one relevant to the organisation from which they are applying.

Please enter the telephone number of the Principal Investigator here. This can be a mobile, home or work phone number.

If you have answered yes, you will be prompted to enter their details and provide their CVs once you have confirmed the application.
Principal Investigator organisation details

Start typing the full name of the Principal Investigator's organisation in the search box below until it comes up as an option for you to click. Do not use acronyms and ensure that you enter the parent organisation (e.g. University of York) and not a department (e.g. Department of Economics, University of York). 

If you can see the correct organisation in the list, you must click on the name in order for the application to complete correctly. Then select 'yes' to the following question and enter your department details (if applicable). 

If you
 cannot find the organisation in the list, we may not have it in our system yet. In this event, enter your full parent organisation name in the search box - then select 'no' to the following question and add additional details. The organisation will then be added to our system when you submit the form. 

New organisation details
To ensure we keep complete records, we need some additional information from you regarding your organisation. 

In order for the registered charity number to work, you will need to submit a correct charity number and the correct charity regulator that the charity sits within. To confirm whether the charity number and charity regulator is correct, please visit the Charity Commission website.

If applicable, please write your Department Name here.

Project information

The project title must be 70 characters or less

Format: dd/mm/yyyy

Format: dd/mm/yyyy

The application forms do not support rich text please enter words only, without any additional formatting. Do not cut and paste formatted content from external documents or web pages as formatting will not be retained and any hidden formatting may distort the word count. You may use hyphens for bullet points, but please note that each hyphen will count as a word.  

A) Case for the importance and relevance of the project

What is the issue or problem that the project will address? 

How is the project relevant to the Nuffield Foundation’s individual domains and of the trends that are changing and shaping today’s increasingly complex society? 

Why is the project important and is there a particular need for it now? 

What is new or distinctive about the project and the findings it will produce, and how does it build on previous work? 

(Maximum 500 words)

B) Aims and objectives

What are the aims and objectives, and, if applicable, research questions? 

What are the intended outcomes, including the implications for policy and practice? 

What is the hypothesis, conceptual framework or theory of change underpinning the project?

We encourage you to use numbered objectives/research questions if this helps you to clearly demonstrate how the approaches detailed in the next section address the aims and objectives. 

(Maximum 300 words)

C) Methods, approach and activities

Please set out the work that will be undertaken to achieve the aims and objectives.

You need to persuade us that the project is feasible and well-designed and that the methodology is both rigorous and appropriate to the research question. 

You should demonstrate that the activities planned are both sufficient and required to meet the aims and objectives.

(Maximum 1400 words)

D) Route to impact

Outline how impact might occur beyond the research community, even if that change is long-term, and set out a credible plan for bringing about those changes. 

Set out the main outputs, your key stakeholders/audiences and dissemination activities that will support the delivery of your outcomes.

This should include at least one report which is freely and publicly available.

(Maximum 350 words)

E) Research team

Please state the name and organisation of each contributor, their role on the project, relevant expertise, experience and proportion of their FTE time allocated. Also state whether any new staff will be recruited, and into which roles.

Please include this information for all staff/contributors who are key to the delivery of the project, even those for whom you are not seeking funding.

Please also set out the relevant skills and experience of the staff/contributors and demonstrate how these are appropriate for the project. 

You should also describe how project staff, particularly those at earlier career stages, will be supported and developed. 

(Maximum 250 words) 

F) Timetable

The timing and duration of key phases, major activities and important interim dates.

All funded projects must result in a freely and publicly available report.

This must be published before the project end date and any other substantive outputs must be produced before the project end date. 

We recommend that you use numbered or bulleted lists to set out the information clearly and logically. 

(Maximum 200 words)

G) Budget

You should set out in the table below the funds you are requesting for each of the broad cost categories listed. The types of cost we expect to be included under each of the categories below can be found when clicking on the amount input boxes.

Please type numbers only. Please do not include any of the following in your entries: decimals, text, special characters (e.g. £, $) or commas.

Total (£)
Staff costs: PI Time
Staff costs: Co-I Time
Staff costs: Team Members
Staff costs: Consultants
Staff costs: Overheads and Estate costs
Non staff costs: Qualitative research
Indirect costs related to: transcription, incentives (please refer to detailed guidance if using incentives), fieldwork associated travel, accommodation and subsistence, qualitative analysis software licences, etc.
Non staff costs: Quantitative research
Indirect costs relating to: survey fieldwork costs (and associated print and postage), data entry, data processing, incentives (please refer to detailed guidance if using incentives), data access/linkage fees, travel to secure data enclaves, statistical software licences, assessment materials and licences, etc.
Non staff costs: Communications and stakeholder engagement
Indirect costs related to: dissemination activities, conference and workshop expenses, advisory group activities, travel for advisory groups, etc.
Non staff costs: Equipment
Indirect costs related to equipment: e.g. recording equipment, laptops
Non staff costs: Other direct costs
Indirect costs related to: general administrative or office expenses, recruitment of project staff, any other costs not covered elsewhere
Grand total (£)
H) Bibliographic references

Restricted to those cited in the application, and ideally presented in author-date format (e.g. Harvard style).

(Maximum 350 words)

Additional information

We would strongly prefer that all relevant information regarding your outline information is covered in the sections above.

However, if you feel that it is absolutely necessary to provide some additional information e.g. in the form of charts, diagrams, tables, or budgetary explanation, you may upload one additional supporting document using the button below:

Information about your personal data
We will only use your data for the purposes and in the ways set out below. For more details of our principles when dealing with personal data, see our Privacy Policy.

What we do with your data

We will use the data submitted on this form to process and make a decision on your application. As part of this review process, we may share your personal data with individuals outside the Foundation. This will always be on a confidential basis and we will ensure that your data is kept secure.

If we decide to award a grant, we will use the personal data submitted as part of your application for our grant management processes. We will include the name of the principal investigator in lists of our grant-holders and in summaries of funded projects published online and in hard copy. In addition to data processing for grant management, we will also use your data in ongoing monitoring and evaluation of our grant activities and impact assessment work.

Retention of your data

The data on the grants we award form part of the historical records of the Foundation. As an organisation with a strong interest in impact and trends over the long term, we need to retain our application and grant records on a similarly long-term basis. We do not therefore delete these records or the associated personal data.
I have read the Guide for applicants and believe that this application meets the eligibility criteria for funding. You don’t need to use an electronic signature to declare completion of the application form.                  Simply typing your name is acceptable:
Important - please note

The 'Review and Submit' screen will not display the formatting and spacing as entered on the application form.  

 entries you have provided in each of the free text fields will retain their formatting when submitted, and the Nuffield Foundation team will be able to see this.

You will have the opportunity to print out a copy of the application on the next page, and a copy of the application will be emailed to the Principal Investigator email address provided on page one.

The entries you provided to each of the free text fields will retain their formatting when submitted, and the Nuffield Foundation team will be able to see this.

If you have selected on page one that your project has Co-Investigators, you will be asked to provide Co-Investigator details and CVs once you have selected 'Confirm' on the 'Review and Submit' screen.

Stay Informed

Please choose one category and one sub category that best matches your interests. The Nuffield Foundation will use the information you provide on this form to be in touch with you, via email, about its work. 

We will use your data only to send you the newsletter and for internal reviews of our effectiveness. We will not share your data with any third parties.

You may unsubscribe at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link in any newsletter email or by emailing privacy@nuffieldfoundation.org. For more details of our principles when dealing with personal data, see our Privacy Policy

We use Salesforce as our marketing automation platform. The information you provide will be transferred to Salesforce for processing in accordance with their Privacy Policy and Terms.